Online Healing Services

  • 1:1 15 Minute Sessions or

  • Remote Messenger Sessions

  • Convenient Online Sessions

  • Cost Effective

  • Full Post Session Report

Are you sick & tired of putting up with your physical or emotion symptoms

that are holding you back in life?

Are these symptoms controlling you and would you like begin to truly release the stronghold they have on you?

Without the excessive expense that most modalities offer?

Without the total vulnerability of in person therapy?

We can navigate to the core of your issues and find places within your subconscious that are hiding the real problem, quickly and cost effectively.

This is my favourite modality and brings real results.

At the bottom of this page I go into depth about the process of

how & why it works.


My healing sessions are 15 time slots focusing on one core issue. This allows the session to be convenient & cost effective which is something I personally know is important to Mum's just like you. In today's financial climate, the one thing that falls by the wayside is your own healing, when it should be prioritised as first. I know this because I am a Mum. I know how important it is to work on your own symptoms, but unfortunately it is not a financial priority when so many other things have to come first. That is why I have created these sessions to be time efficient AND cost efficient.

The aim of my service:

I have worked with Mum's & children and see the urgent need to supply this service.

Firstly, we will work on one core physical or emotional issue, and clear it.

Releasing emotional baggage allows you to overcome physical & emotional discomfort

Email, call or text today on:

0400 606 753

Book a session in a few easy steps:

Interested To Know More?

We all have baggage. Our emotional baggage is the left over energy, the trapped energy from the emotional experiences that we have been through.
To understand how that’s possible you have to really think about the body in terms of what we now know from quantum physics; that the human body itself is just an energy field. For example, if you were to take a look at your hand, and magnify that hand a million times and more, eventually you will be looking at a single individual atom. And if you look inside that atom, there’s really nothing in there, it’s just empty space; lots of empty space in between atoms.
Our bodies have an illusory nature; our body’s are solid but really they’re more of an energetic force field than anything else.
So when you are feeling an emotion or a physical ailment, what you’re actually feeling is a particular frequency of an energy.
As Einstein told us; everything is energy. And in our modern world, there are now actually instruments which can measure this energy.
Did you know that the heart actually produces the biggest electromagnetic wave coming off your body?! Much stronger than that coming from your brain for example. The heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. It is the core of your physical being. It makes sense then that while we use our brain & our mind to try and heal by way of supplements, talk therapy and/or pharmaceuticals, that we are on a hamster wheel and never really feel fully recovered. Resulting in the continued cycle of experiencing the wheels falling off the bus, so to speak. Can you relate to this in your own experience; the issues, be it physical or emotional, keep coming back?

Have you noticed when you are experiencing an intense emotion such as anger, grief, sadness etc, that emotion can be powerful enough to retain the vibration of that particular frequency on a quantum level, thus, retaining some of that emotion somewhere in your body. So when the bully moves away, or the divorce is finalised, or you quit that terrible job & get a better one, you can still be holding some of the old vibration; some of that emotional energy.
This is what we call ‘emotional baggage’. And we all have it.
It is also true, and there are scientific studies which show that this emotional baggage can actually travel through the DNA. Meaning, it can be inherited. There can be an event that occurred in your predecessors lives, which was traumatic enough to carry down the lineage & contribute to emotional or physical issues you are dealing with today.
Or, there can be issues within your own experiences that can cause this too. Sometimes it might be something that you recall and sometimes it may be something that you’ve repressed or that you think you’ve moved through. It can even be something you didn’t think was really that big an issue at all, although it did occur and it did affect your energy body.
So how do we dig into this and find out more to actually be able to clear the trapped emotion? We’ll get to that, read on.

When you have a trapped emotion, it’s literally a ball of energy, and it’s distorting the normal energy field of the body. And when you distort the normal energy field of the body you are actually distorting the (physical) body itself, and interfering with chemical reactions, blood flow & the ‘normal’ processes of the body.
The biggest source of physical pain for people is actually emotional baggage.

Example: A man is suffering from chronic back pain, which has been a problem for years. Following the processes and navigating the framework of Body & Emotion Recovery Healing, we are able to locate the event & time in his life that this became an issue. Following the treatment, the man's pain released but further to that, he comes to realise he is no longer angry, no longer a ‘rage-o-holic’. An incident in the past created anger, and that became a trapped ball of energy. The trapped anger created physical pain, but it also meant that anger was active 24/7 in his body, meaning that he was easily set off and could feel his anger much more readily. Once the trapped emotion was released, things that used to set him off, no longer set him off.

Think about your own life & ALL the experiences you have been through; did your parents argue when you were a kid? Did you cry yourself to sleep at night? Were you ever bullied? Did you dread getting picked to read out loud in class? Did you ever have anything difficult in high school? Did you ever go through any hard relationship breakups?
It’s not hard to see how we end up having emotional baggage and as it accumulates it begins to run our lives in many ways. It interferes with our ability to really create the life we want.
Circling back around now to your heart. I mentioned earlier that it is the core of our being and actually emits the largest electromagnetic current in your body. So after ALL that you have been through, and all the big & little trauma you have experienced, resulting in accumulated ‘emotional baggage’, what tends to happen is you develop a guard around that electromagnetic current. Your subconscious mind will naturally build this guard made from layers of your emotional baggage.
This interferes with not only your ability to give & receive love, but it also interferes with your ability to create. Your best creative ideas come from your heart. Your creativity is incredibly powerful and affects all areas of your life. Each new day that you wake up, you are creating your day, and your life. So it is important to say the least, that you begin to shed the layers of your ‘emotional baggage’.
So the heart is really at the core of the work that I do with Body & Emotion Recovery Healing Sessions.
This is not just for your health, it’s intertwined with every aspect of your life. It affects how you show up in life; in your parenting, in your relationships, in your work and how you feel within yourself on a day to day basis.

As we drag this emotional baggage through our lives, some of it inherited & some of it personally accumulated, we wonder why it’s so hard to manifest the things we desire, we feel the heavy burden of life.

Emotions carry information for you, and they are a gift. For example, anger gives you information that a boundary has been violated and it has a gift to help you set a boundary. Feeling anger is not bad, it allows you to take appropriate action just as fear allows you to take action to put yourself into safety. The problem lies when this gets trapped and then continues to get activated in ways that are not helpful to you. Often, the messages from emotions are coming from old experiences because we are not in the habit of letting them go. This results in us being deflected in life from the course we would like to be taking. We use the sheer force of our will to push on and achieve success until we become exhausted, burnt out and deflated. Often picking up and rebuilding only to have it happen again and again.

When the emotional baggage is taken away through the releasing process, the achievement of success, which may be success in more stable moods, success in removing a physical ailment, success in our material lives, etc we find it becomes a more natural & automatic thing where success tends to flow ‘to’ us rather than having to pursue it quite as hard. The energetic connections flow, doors open up.

How do we do this?
To understand this, let’s talk about your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is that other part of your mind, the fast intelligence that is in each one of us. It’s the part of you that keeps your heart beating, keeps air going in & out of your lungs, creates new cells in your body and so on. It is an incredibly high level of intelligence & exists within each one of us. That part of you is like a holographic computer & it remembers & knows what to do. It stores all of your memories. It remembers everything you have been through. We can learn to tap into this subconscious mind, even you can!

I use a framework to quickly & efficiently tap into your subconscious mind and get answers. Your subconscious mind actually has ALL the answers and I will guide you too them, as well as guide you towards being able to do this process for yourself if you are interested.

Click the BOOK NOW button and get your cost effective, time efficient, deep healing session booked today!

Private Coaching

Investment: $899

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Group Coaching

Investment: $899

Auctor risus consectetur erat ornare ornare varius elit lorem. Sed mi gravida euismod in. Ipsum id posuere proin ornare. Neque nullam pellentesque nulla pretium dui facilisis sed risus. Pharetra porttitor varius aliquet accumsan. Lacus aliquam egestas leo, mauris et lorem euismod purus venenatis. Accumsan, egestas facilisis mauris amet. Etiam ultricies dictum sit viverra morbi ac tristique scelerisque.

Love letters from my customers

Mattis laoreet lectus maecenas id aenean sem hendrerit. Egestas amet, faucibus varius gravida. Donec odio sapien, eu nascetur quam id. Gravida senectus ultrices lorem facilisis in volutpat. Maecenas faucibus cursus cursus nulla consequat tincidunt mi. Tempor aliquam mauris tellus ac. Ornare scelerisque nibh tincidunt in aenean est, vitae justo lorem. Sit turpis tristique amet pulvinar in malesuada.

Mattis laoreet lectus maecenas id aenean sem hendrerit. Egestas amet, faucibus varius gravida. Donec odio sapien, eu nascetur quam id. Gravida senectus ultrices lorem facilisis in volutpat. Maecenas faucibus cursus cursus nulla consequat tincidunt mi. Tempor aliquam mauris tellus ac. Ornare scelerisque nibh tincidunt in aenean est, vitae justo lorem. Sit turpis tristique amet pulvinar in malesuada.

Mattis laoreet lectus maecenas id aenean sem hendrerit. Egestas amet, faucibus varius gravida. Donec odio sapien, eu nascetur quam id. Gravida senectus ultrices lorem facilisis in volutpat. Maecenas faucibus cursus cursus nulla consequat tincidunt mi. Tempor aliquam mauris tellus ac. Ornare scelerisque nibh tincidunt in aenean est, vitae justo lorem. Sit turpis tristique amet pulvinar in malesuada.


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