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  • Quick, efficient & convenient

  • Remote healing via video, phone or non-presence

  • Made affordable for Mum's

  • All ages welcome

Topics Covered In The Book

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All at your fingertips via mobile or tablet. 

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About Me

Tenille Greene

I am a busy Mum, just like you!

I have been an intuitive all of my life and studied many forms of healing the body emotionally, energetically & physically.

I guide others to release the unresolved emotions trapped in their body to attract fulfilling relationships & a satisfying life by uncovering the unresolved pain that is blocking joy and abundance from flowing freely to you.

If you are suffering from physical pain, it is a guarantee that there is trapped emotion at the root of this symptom. So, whether you are suffering emotionally OR physically, I can help you.

Get expert guidance to lighten your load and release your pain with my non-invasive, family friendly costing healing modality.

My sessions are 15 minute sessions and get straight to the point.

You will select your most pressing issue and I will get right to the root of the problem.

Sessions are $25.00AUD and it is my priority to ensure you can access healing at a family friendly cost.

I work on all ages so if you are interested in a session for your child, this is something I specialise in!


When you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, it's time to get started! Click the button below which will take you to a secure payment gateway. Once your payment is processed, you will be diverted to my calendar to book your time slot for you session.

I can't wait to meet you and help you with your healing!

I was shocked at what Tenille found during a 15 minute session. It has helped me so much and I'm so grateful I found a service to help me that I can actually afford! I look forward to doing another session to work on a different issue soon!

Jane Howard

Tenille was able to link my sons emotional weaknesses that were causing his physical symptoms as well as identify two products that would also support his physical symptoms towards full healing. She was able to identify what age he was when the issues started & take steps towards clearing the energetics of these chronic issues. Thank you so much for what you are doing for us!

Marie K

Have Questions? Look Here

Do I need to be present on a call to receive the same value?

No! The same process will happen whether you are on the call with me or not. Being present does have its benefits in that you will be more present and engaged in your healing process however it is not vital and will not affect the energetic healing or the process that occurs.

Once I process my payment, what happens next?

Once you process your payment you will be directed to a calendar to select your time slot. You can choose to have your session over video call on Zoom, via telephone call or you can choose to simply have a remote healing without being engaged.

How will I know what happens during my session?

You will receive a full report of what I found during your session and what I was able to energetically clear for you.

Will I need ongoing sessions?

It is your choice to continue with more sessions. We have years of built up emotional trauma and ongoing sessions are of most benefit to work through this. The reason I have implemented short & cost effective sessions is to help increase the likelihood of you continuing with your healing. The more we address these issues, the better!

How often should I book a session?

There is no limit as to how often an energetic healing can be done on you. My suggestion is to book in once a week or once a fortnight. If budgeting is an issue, try to work towards booking once a month and you will be doing yourself the world of good by addressing your emotional trauma monthly at a very small cost!

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Can my child have a session?

YES! I absolutely love working on children and it is the single biggest honour I could possibly have! Gifting your child an energetic healing is an incredibly huge benefit.

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